Features: Internet Explorer 8: a special developers guide to adding next-gen features to your siteRed Bull Flight Lab: We go Behind The Scenes with the team at Less Rain to see how they built a website with wingsPhotoshop Trickery: Master blending modes and textures to craft awesome futuristic graphicsThe Perfect Portfolio, part 3: AJAX guru Ben Scott shows how to turn your designs into animated realityAS3's drawing APIs explained: Darren Richardson explains quick techniques for getting artistic with Flash codingEffective Exhibitionism: Mark Billen discusses root canals (and how to get your dream job )How To Create a showcase component in Flash CS3Build optimised iPhone templates with CSSUse the AJAX data grid component in ColdFusion 8Issue 144 hits the shelves on 8 May. Get yourself a subscription to get them a day before everyone else and save yourself some moolah in the process!