The Interpretation Workbook was developed as a teaching tool for the Rorschach Comprehensive System. The idea for the Workbook was initiated during discussions among Drs Sciara, Ritzler and Exner after Dr. Exner published A Primer for Rorschach Interpretation (Rorschach Workshops, 2000). The Workbook is organized according to the eight interpretive clusters developed by Dr. Exner. He was able to review the majority of the cases along with their respective questions and answers for correctness.
For each cluster there are four cases for a total of 32 cases. Each of the cases has five multiple choice items for a total of 160 items. The answer key explains why the correct answer is correct and why the incorrect answers are incorrect. There is also a complete evaluation case with history, referring question, and Rorschach protocol. This final case can be used by academic institutions with advanced students to determine their competence with interpreting a Rorschach protocol and help students focus their interpretative skills on clinical cases.