Ralph Bauer has been with the University of Maryland since 1998. He specializes in the literatures and cultures of the early Americas, comparative literature, critical science studies, as well as hemispheric American and early modern Atlantic studies. He is the general editor of the Early Americas Digital Archive, and his publications include The Cultural Geography of Colonial American Literatures (Cambridge UP, 2003 and 2008); An Inca Account of the Conquest of Peru: by Titu Cusi Yupanqui (U of Coloardo P, 2005); Locations of Culture: Identity, Home, Theory (Michigan SUP, 1998); (with Jose Antonio Mazzotti) Creole Subjects in the Colonial America: empires, texts, identities (UNCP, 2009); and (with Kimberly Coles, Carla Peterson, and Zita Nunes), The Cultural Politics of Blood, 1500-1900 (Palgrave/Macmillan, 2015). He is currently completing a monograph entitled The Alchemy of Conquest: science, religion, and the secrets of the New World; a collection of essays (with Jaime Marroquin Arredondo) entitled Translating Nature: a transcultural history of early modern science (under contract with U of Pennsylvania Press); and (with Marcy Norton) a special issue of Colonial Latin American Review entitled Entangled Trajectories: integrating Native and Early Modern European studies (forthcoming, 2017). Also, he has published ca. sixty articles, review essays, and book reviews in collections and journals such as Early American Literature, Colonial Latin American Review, American Literary History, American Literature, Revista Iberoamericana, Dieciocho: the Hispanic Enlightenment, The Americas, and Comparative Literature.