With nearly six hundred photographs and drawings of more than one hundred churches and chapels throughout Europe, this elegantly designed volume presents a panoramic examination of church building in post World War II Europe. For the first time since the nineteenth century, the design and construction of houses of worship has resurfaced as a major focus in contemporary architecture and this stunning volume shows why.
From England, Scotland and Ireland to Italy, Portugal, and Spain, throughout Scandinavia and including Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the churches studied here illustrate the many ways religious sentiment lends itself to the architectural discipline. The range of artistry is equally vast, featuring works by Alvar Aalto, Mario Botta, Egon Eiermann, Le Corbusier, Carlo Scarpa, Rudolf Schwarz, Alvaro Siza, Heinz Tesar, Aldo Van Eyck and Peter Zumthor. In addition, essays by respected architectural historians as well as prominent theologians discuss the variety of ecclesiastical buildings as well as how the church is viewed both from a Roman Catholic and Protestant perspective. Students of religion and architecture alike will find much to learn from and admire in this unique and richly illustrated book.