The July / August issue of Domus explores contemporary London as a battleground and laboratory of innovation, from gentrification and opportunity, to new technology and invisible landscapes. Beyond the perimeter of the newly inaugurated Olympic park, we focus on Renzo Piano's newly inaugurated Shard which more than the tallest skyscraper in Europe, is a city of 8,000 inhabitants , spend time with the city's new vanguard of young, dynamic architects, and visit the East End, where the exponential growth of start-ups located around Old Street Roundabout has created the most important tech ecosystem outside the United States.
With the London in the background and the Olympics approaching, issue 960 sheds light onto the Architecture Olympics, which took place between 1912 and 1948 as part of the Games, along with competitions for painting, music, sculpture and literature. The July/August issue visits Mass Studies' new headquarters for the South Korean equivalent of Google, which proposes an ingenious, low-cost construction system capable of giving life to complex spaces, and as the inauguration of the 13th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice draws near, Domus catches up with director David Chipperfield and assistant director Kieran Long, discussing everything from the exhibition's title to amnesia in architecture.