Table of contents CoverJan De Vylder, Inge Vinck and Jo Taillieu use the Domus cover as a field of action cleared of preconceived images and open to all. A homage to the blank sheet, empty space and silence, it transfers to the magazine the features of a notebook.
EditorialJoseph Grima
Op-ed:Notes from an occupation
Benedict Clouette, Marlisa Wise
Mixtapes: Rio de JaneiroCurated by Daniel PerlinJournalEdited by Elena SommarivaPhotoessayFrancesco Mattuzzi, StartrucksWith little or nothing
Interview by Francesca Picchi.
Photos by Filip Dujardin
A new glow in boomtown
Text by Mario Ballesteros.
Photos by Iwan Baan.
Edited by Laura Bossi