Influenced by the likes of Jorge Luis Borges, Adolfo Bioy Casares and Francisco Coloane, Claudio Romos work is highly original, blending literary fantasy with adventure in a way that is never cliché or expected. Equally talented as both writer and illustrator for his works, he believes that the two forms of narrations combine to create a single fabric: ourselves. In A Journey in the Phantasmagorical Garden of Apparitio Albinus, we explore the flora and fauna and other wondrous phenomena of a miraculous garden filled with denizens as small as symbiotic insects, made up of both plant and animal life forms, and as large as a planet, Atanasius Uterinus, that contains a sun within its very core. According to Romo, the book best represents the human race, a place where different traditions and kinds of knowledge interact. Who are we to argue.