The much-in-demand 49 Cities, first published by Storefront for Art & Architecture, the internationally recognized NYC center for alternative thinking in art and architecture, is now available in its third edition. This fascinating compilation of fantastic projections by architects and planners dreaming of better and different cities ranges from 500 B.C. to the present. With every plan, radical visions were proposed, embodying not only desires but also fears and anxieties of the time. Today, with the failure of the suburban experiment and looming end-of-the world predictionsglobal warming and waste, post-peak oil energy crises and uncontrolled world urbanizationarchitects and urbanists find themselves again at a crossroads. 49 Cities is a call to re-engage cities as the site of radical thinking and experimentation and an invitation to move beyond green building towards an embrace of delirious imagination, empowering questioning and re-invention. Essays include Michael Webb, Sam Jacobs and newly added former Ant Farm member Chip Lord.